Epri tr 101245-v2 pdfのダウンロード

EPRI進展報告 2007年9月 原子力エグゼクティブアップデートは毎月2回発行されます。ニュースレターに関するコメントは、 bschimmoller@epri.com, 704-595-2076 Brian Schimmollerまでご連絡ください。

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2. Electrical engineering–Safety regulations. 3. Electrical engineering–Standards. I. Title. 621.3'0289-dc22 Library of EPRI TR-101245 Effect of DC Testing on Extruded Cross-Linked Polyethylene Insulated Cables EPRI EPRI TR-101245-V2 

EPRI EL-5757 Thermal Overload Characteristics of Extruded Dielectric Cables 1988 EPRI TR-101245 Effect of DC Testing on Extruded Cross-Linked Polyethylene Insulated Cables 1993 EPRI TR-101245-V2 Effect of DC Testing ures. Information on this subject is available in EPRI project report TR-101245, “Effect of DC Testing on Extruded Cross-Linked Polyethylene Insulated Cables.” C. ICEA Both ICEA S-68-516 [6] and S-66-524 [7] state “ if 15 min IEEE Std. 400.1-2007 (Active), “IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded EPRI進展報告 2007年9月 原子力エグゼクティブアップデートは毎月2回発行されます。ニュースレターに関するコメントは、 bschimmoller@epri.com, 704-595-2076 Brian Schimmollerまでご連絡ください。 EPRI EPRI TR-101245 1.218 EPRI EPRI TR-1019163 IP-43004 EPRI EPRI TR-102134 IP-50002 EPRI EPRI TR-102260 IP-43004 EPRI EPRI TR-102261-V1 3.73,1.208 EPRI EPRI TR-102293 1.208 IP-45052 EPRI EPRI TR-102323 TR-9022,9024,9025からTTC標準JT-Q3401,3402に変 更) • 付録iii. シーケンス例 への詳細メッセージの追加 • 付録vi. コーディングに関する考察 の追加 • 誤記訂正 3. 参照文書 3.1. …

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TR-9022,9024,9025からTTC標準JT-Q3401,3402に変 更) • 付録iii. シーケンス例 への詳細メッセージの追加 • 付録vi. コーディングに関する考察 の追加 • 誤記訂正 3. 参照文書 3.1. … EPRI TR-1011999 IMC-1245 App C7 EPRI TR-101245 1.218 EPRI TR-1019163 IP-43004 EPRI TR-102134 IP-50002 EPRI TR-102260 IP-43004 EPRI TR-102261-V1 3.73,1.208 EPRI TR-102293 1.208 IP-45052 EPRI TR-102323 1 I agree to the document licence rules Please confirm that you agree to the document licence rules for all documents listed in the cart. 2.4.1 EPRI TR-103834 EPRI TR-103834 Part 1 [Reference 4] reported on Effects of Moisture on the Life of [Medium Voltage] Power Plant Cables. In 1994, personnel at fossil and nuclear power plants were surveyed to determine the number and types of medium voltage cable failures and failure causes. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), 1993, Guidelines for determining design basic ground motions, v. 1: Method and guidelines for estimating earthquakes ground motion in eastern North America: EPRI Report TR-102293. 2018/07/02

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